Centenary Appeal
As Wellington celebrates the 100 year anniversary of its move to Carleton Turrets, we are delighted to launch our Centenary Appeal. The aim of this appeal is to generate additional funds to support our comprehensive Bursary programme and to help us realise our ambitious campus development plans that can be seen in full by visiting the Wellington Future page of this website.
Why contribute?
By making a financial contribution to the school, you are helping to secure the future of an organisation that has a special place in many people’s hearts and ensure that it remains one of the leading education providers in Scotland for generations to come.
Where is help most needed?
There are two areas of school expenditure that are difficult to fund from fee income alone. The first is the Bursary programme, which widens access by allowing children who would otherwise to unable to attend the school to benefit from a Wellington education. The second is campus development. Although Wellington is a people-centred organisation, it is important for any school to maintain and develop its facilities to reflect the changing needs of the curriculum and the wider needs of pupils of all ages.
Can I choose how my contribution is spent?
Yes, you can choose whether your contribution is allocated to our Bursary Fund or to Development Projects. Alternatively, you may be happy for the school to decide how your gift is allocated.
What are the school’s current Campus Development priorities?
In the short term, we intend to renovate the Carleton Turrets Hall, which is the busiest multi-purpose space in the school. As well as currently being our only indoor sports facility, it is also used for concerts, stage productions, assemblies and a wide range of other purposes.
Looking further ahead, the construction of a Sports Hall at Doonside is our primary large-scale objective. There is a pressing need for better indoor sports facilities to meet both curricular and extra-curricular demands.
In addition, the school has already embarked on a plan to optimise the way it uses its existing spaces with a view to creating better study areas and quiet spaces for senior pupils.
How can I make my contribution?
You can make your donation by using our Just Giving page, or any of the methods listed below can be used. If you would like to discuss your gift or take advantage of the Gift Aid tax relief scheme, please contact either the Headmaster or the Finance Manager.
Giving by Bank Transfer
If you wish to make a gift by bank transfer, please use the following details:
Wellington School (Ayr) Ltd
Sort Code: 80-12-39
Account: 10605360
Ref: 2023APPEAL
Giving by Post
Please make your cheque payable to Wellington School (Ayr) Ltd and send it to the Finance Office, Wellington School, 1 Craigweil Road, Ayr, KA7 2XH
Giving by Card Payment
If you wish to speak to somebody and make a card payment, please call 01292 269321 and select Finance.
Gift Aid Donations
Donations are always very gratefully received and would be put to excellent use funding bursaries, thus widening the accessibility of the school to children who would otherwise not be able to attend Wellington; campus development; upgrading and maintaining our iconic turreted buildings; purchasing new equipment and contributing towards tours or trips.
To discuss your donation, please contact the Head or simply complete the gift aid form and return it to the school along with your donation. As a registered charity, Wellington School may reclaim the tax from HM Revenue and Customs through the Gift Aid scheme.

By remembering Wellington in your will, you will contribute to upholding the school’s high standards in education for future generations of pupils.
In recent years, Wellington School acquired a property through legacy giving. This significant endowment means that pupils will benefit from an expanding campus and the enhancements that this brings to the school’s accommodation and educational standards. Details on the campus development and our new building, Craigweil Lodge, are available here.
Leaving a legacy – either pecuniary or non-monetary – is an important decision and one that should be discussed with solicitor in the first instance. If you would like to intimate your wishes to support Wellington School through legacy giving, please contact the school to arrange an appointment to speak to the Headmaster, Mr Johnson; alternatively, please contact him directly via email headmaster@wellingtonschool.org or by telephone 01292 269321.