Speech Day is a special occasion at Wellington. It is a day for celebrating our individual and shared achievements, reflecting on a successful year and marvelling at how far we have come and the opportunities we have experienced. For staff, both teaching and non-teaching, it is the culmination of hard-work and dedication, the result of inspirational lessons and a commitment to doing their utmost for the benefit of the school. However, it is mainly a day for our pupils, without whom, Mr Johnson says ‘we would have little to celebrate.’

It has been almost 2 months since we celebrated Speech Day and we hope the entire Wellington community enjoyed a restful, restorative and well-deserved summer break. We would like to take this time to thank our guest speaker Mr Paul Davidson, who inspired us all with his speech, it was wonderful to hear all about his life experiences and advice to our younger pupils! Well done to all our pupils who received prizes and to those who attended the celebration.

To our leavers, we wish you every success for the next step in your journey and remember, you can now register as members of our Former Pupil Association! Too soon?!

Photos of the day can be found online here. The gallery is password protected, so if you would like access, please request by email to apatton@wellingtonschool.org

Thank you to Mr Brian Muir at Air Image Photography for taking our photos!