Centro de Enseñanza Virgen del Pasico MMIII
Torre Pacheco, Murcia, Spain | virgendelpasico.net
About the school
The Centro Concertado de Enseñanza Virgen Del Pasico is a semi-private school in Torre-Pacheco – a small town between Murcia and Cartagena, about an hour south of Alicante and 15 minutes from the coast. The school has about 900 pupils. It is a new integrated school, built in 2003, providing education at all levels: Nursery, Infant Education, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate. The cooperative have also built a second school, Pasico II, which was opened in 2011 and which follows the same curriculum, but which does not yet have a full complement of classes. Both centres are associated with UCOERM (Union de Cooperativas de Enseñanza, Región de Murcia). Pupils benefit from a wide range of facilities, and the the school is both a Cambridge Centre and a Bilingual Centre, with subjects being taught in both English and Spanish. Like at Wellington, international opportunities are an important part of the curriculum. Virgen del Pasico and Pasico II pupils participate in exchanges with France and California as well as ourselves, and have participated in eTwinning projects with schools throughout Europe.
S2/3 Spanish at Wellington
In S2/3, pupils participate in an exchange with pupils in 3 ESO who study both English and French. As part of their week in Spain, pupils spend time in class with their hosts and on cultural visits to the surrounding areas, such as Cartagena and Murcia. Some time at the beach is normally included in the itinerary too! The 2015-2016 exchange was a great success, with great friendships made and many tears on the way home, we are looking forward to seeing what excitement the next Exchange holds.