“Like every school, Wellington has a vibrant past that demonstrates clearly its ability to adapt, develop and expand in response to the demands of the day. In the last twenty five years alone, the school has completed a successful merger with Drumley, formerly based in Mossblown, and made the transition from being a girls-only boarding school to a thriving co-educational day school. The inevitable increase in the demand for space has led to the purchase of Craigweil House, the Doonside playing fields and, most recently, Craigweil Lodge.
We now find ourselves at a significant point in the ongoing story of this school. The acquisition of Craigweil Lodge and its associated grounds has joined up two previously separate campuses and unlocked the development potential of this magnificent site.

In order to make the most of this unique opportunity, we have been delighted to work with architectural specialists Austin-Smith:Lord. Experts in campus development and masterplan creation, our partners from A-S:L quickly established an impressive understanding of our requirements and they have brought innovation, creativity and a wealth of experience to the task.
I am delighted that we are now able to share some of their ideas with the wider school community and this publication presents a vision that is bold, exciting and attainable. The realisation of any masterplan takes time and there will no doubt be many twists and turns along the way. I believe, however, that this plan provides the long term strategy that is needed to ensure the continued success and sustainability of this school.”
Mr S P Johnson, Headmaster