Wellington School is a caring community where young people flourish. We consider the happiness and wellbeing of each child to be of paramount importance in the development of the well-rounded young person.
The school’s established pastoral care system ensures that each child is well known as an individual, and that each receives continuous support and encouragement in his or her personal and social development. Guidance and the House system are intrinsically linked, giving all pupils opportunities to fully participate in school life and a strong sense of belonging.

Matters of Concern
Matters of concern should be raised with the Head of Year, who will liaise with other colleagues where appropriate. Pupils are encouraged to seek advice or assistance whenever they require it but parents can contact our Junior School staff by telephoning the school on 01292 269321.
Mrs N O’Connell, Wellington School’s Assistant Head (Pastoral) has general oversight of all pupil wellbeing and welfare issues.
Any matters of concern should be reported to the relevant class teacher and/or Mr J Cox, Head of the Junior School.