Mrs McIntyre and Mrs Ness are our Biology teachers at Wellington. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification and taxonomy. Biology is a practical subject that develops the skills of scientific enquiry and helps build problem solving and decisions making skills. Our Biology courses allow learners to investigate the applications of Biology in society and the environment. The courses cover relevant and contemporary areas of biology. There are many career opportunities connected with biology, including Medicine, Nursing, Biomedical engineering, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Physiotherapy, Sports Science and Food Science.

Primary Science
Pupils in Primary 5 and 6 come over to the science department to do practical science linked to the topics they are learning about. As part of the Titanic topic in P6, pupils learn about the principles of density, volume and buoyancy to help them understand why some objects float while others sink. For the Harry Potter topic, they have lessons with dragons and mandrakes; and put their magical prowess to the test with levitation, invisible ink and potions. In P5, pupils investigate the properties of different rocks, to decide which type would be best for building Roman roads; construct and modify bridges; and make wax and wooden Vindolanda tablets.
S1 & S2 Biology
In S1 we learn about cells, organs and systems such as the nervous, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems. The anatomy of a chicken’s wing is used to study muscles, tendons and bones. In S2 we learn about body systems and survival. Different types of behaviour are studied using woodlice, snails as well as humans!
National courses
The National 5 course comprises three units which are undertaken over two years. The SQA external examination accounts for 80% of the overall grade meanwhile the externally marked assessment for 20%.
The Higher course comprises three units taught over a single year. The SQA external examination accounts for 80% of the overall grade meanwhile the externally marked assessment for 20%.
The Advanced Higher course comprises three units taught over a single year. The SQA external examination accounts for 77% of the grade with an externally marked project accounting for 23%.
Curricular Activities and Extracurricular Clubs
Our Biology Captain is elected each academic year from the S6 class. As part of their remit, the Captain assists younger pupils in class and organises and delivers a lunchtime study support class for S3-S5.
There are a number of annual activities from the S1/S2 trip to Glasgow Science Centre as well as Science Festival workshops to Glasgow, Strathclyde and Caledonian Universities for National and Higher pupils. Advanced Higher enjoy field excursions to Millport Field Station as well as carrying out river studies with the Ayrshire Rivers Trust.