Excellence in Music has been one of the most significant themes of Wellington school over recent decades. While every pupil receives curricular music for the majority of their time at school, around 85% of Wellington pupils are involved in choirs, orchestras and ensembles.
The instrumental staff body has increased significantly in recent years as the demand for one to one music tuition grows; over one third of the school population receives individual lessons for instrument or voice.

The Music Department boasts 15 peripatetic specialists, amongst which are leading session musicians and teachers at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. The instruments taught by these specialists include: the bagpipes; brass; percussion; the piano and keyboard; strings (including violin, cello, guitar, bass guitar, harp); voice and woodwind (including the flute).
Pupils may also sit graded examinations for instruments and voice (Grade 1-8) through Trinity Guildhall, Trinity Rockschool, London College of Music (Musical Theatre) and the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
All of our instrumental specialists are experienced professional musicians, who have high ambitions for our pupils. Please contact the school to find out more about exploring individual lessons for your child – it is never too late to learn!
A highlight of the academic year is the annual Senior School Musical Production held in the local theatre. In October 2019 our School Show was Sir Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s spectacular masterpiece, ‘Phantom of the Opera’. This was an ambitious choice for a school production and a first for the Gaiety Theatre, accommodating one of the most challenging shows in the musical theatre repertoire.
Our senior pupils gave four outstanding performances to a most appreciative full house. In order to showcase our talented pupils, we once again double casted our show. We have so many talented singers that we always produce two casts of equal high quality. Previous shows have included Chicago, Les Miserables and West Side Story.
Meet the Music Teachers
Mrs. Docherty – Head of Music
I am Susan Docherty and have been teaching Music at Wellington since 2004. I currently run the Orchestra and Madrigal Group, but have been involved in shows, choirs, bands and orchestras throughout my time at Wellington. I have also been involved in the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and girls’ football.
My favourite thing about Wellington is the pupils. They work hard and are polite and are easy to talk to. We are a great community and who doesn’t love coming to Hogwarts every day?
I always wanted to be a teacher and have played music from a very young age. So when I discovered that I could continue with music and become a teacher in the same course, I was determined to attend RCS to study.
A Quote on Wellington life:
“That extra mile is always worth it”
Miss McKinley
I started at Wellington in May 2018, where I have taught Music and Music Technology in the primary school and throughout the senior school up to Advanced Higher. I currently take the Junior and Senior choirs, as well as taking part in the Senior Orchestra and Wind Band. I am also the Musical Director for the Junior School Shows.
My favorite thing about Wellington is the community and family feel with staff, pupils and their families. There are so many different opportunities for pupils in the school with so many varying extra curricular activities, not just in music and sport.
Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a teacher, first a primary teacher, then a math’s teacher and when I left school I had settled on becoming a Music Teacher. Being a Music Teacher I get to spend every day doing what I love and have the opportunity to share that love and passion for music with young people of all ages.
I am blessed to be in a job where I can see young people developing skills and achieving personal goals constantly. It is also an amazing experience seeing young people’s confidence grow both in the subject and as an individual. There is no other job I would rather be in, nor any other group of young people I would rather have the privilege of teaching.
Wellington has always had a special place in my heart. My Granny, Mrs. McKinley, was the Elocution teacher at Wellington for over 40 years and it is very special to know that I now get to be part of the community she was once a part of.
A Quote on Wellington life:
“Wellington, the place where you are never alone”