Physical Education
Wellington School has a long established and well-earned reputation for excellence in sport. The main team sports are hockey and netball for girls and rugby, football and cricket for boys but the school provides a wide array of opportunities for pupils of all ages to participate and excel in a variety of sports.
Pupils are encouraged to test their skills by playing competitively at all levels, which has contributed to a number of former pupils making sport their career.
Technology in Sport
The department continues to use technology to enhance teaching and learning. The use of apps such as coaches eye, sprint timer, Strava and pacer test are used to record and challenge pupils. Video analysis is used during performances to provide visual feedback and analysis and QR codes, Kahoot and Google Classroom are used extensively to highlight learning outcomes in National 5 and Higher.
Core P.E.
From S1 to S6, all pupils experience a broad education in a variety of sports. This gives them a basic knowledge which can then be applied to a particular sport, if the pupil wishes to specialise. Pupils are given the opportunity to participate in the following sports: Swimming, Cross Country, Gymnastics, Dance, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Football, Rugby, Hockey, Footgolf, Rounders, Cricket, Tennis, Squash and Fitness.
Sports Leaders
Pupils in S5 and S6 are given the opportunity to help with primary and junior classes. Pupils who undertake the course will gain knowledge of leadership with a view to planning and leading sport in school or in the community.
National 5
Pupils in S3 and S4 focus on their own performance and how it can be improved. The National 5 course comprises two units: Performance Skills and Factors Impacting Performance.
50% – Portfolio – Externally assessed by SQA.
50% – Practical Performance in 2 activities.
Higher Physical Education covers two internal units: Performance Skills and Factors Impacting on Performance. The main purpose of the Higher is to develop and demonstrate a broad and comprehensive range of complex skills in challenging contexts.
50% – Written exam 2.5 hours – Externally assessed by SQA.
50% – Practical Performance in 2 activities.

Curricular Activities and Extracurricular Clubs
The department offers a number of opportunities to play sport both in and out of school. Inter house sports include Golf, Rugby, Football, Rounders, Netball, Hockey, Swimming while inter school sports extend to Rugby, Hockey, Netball, Athletics, Cricket, Cross Country, Aquathlon, Swimming, Tennis and Rounders.

Meet the PE & Sport Teachers
Mr. Ness – Head of PE & Sport
My name is Mr. Ness, I have been at Wellington since 1995. When I first started at Wellington there were 9 boys in green blazers and the rest of the pupils were all girls they used to wear grey blazers, and ill always remember on my first assembly there were a sea of blond hair and grey blazers and 9 terrified boys, in primary 7 and first year sitting in assembly, so its amazing seeing what it has become.
I teach PE throughout the day and I really enjoy it, after school I teach rugby, football, table tennis, as well as other activities during lunch times.
I think the fact that Wellington is a small school makes it special as it means you get to know all the pupils from nursery all the way through to senior 6, and you get to know all about the individuals, their personalities, their interests. I also like the fact we are all close and we are a family, its very rewarding, the pupils are excellent, behavior is excellent so we get through a lot of work.
I decided to become a PE teacher because I enjoy sport, I enjoy working with and teaching pupils. I enjoy the impact it has on them, I see them grow, develop, and mature, and seeing those who I have taught go on to have a career in sports, such as rugby go on to play in clubs and even the national team, is extremely gratifying.
If id give advice to any pupil at Wellington it would be to take part in all the activities, all the events the school puts on, as that way you’ll be rewarded with all these experiences, which I think will enhance your life.
Miss Duffy
I started teaching at Wellington in August 2017 and this is my 6th year at the school. For the last 5 years I have been a PE teacher, and this year was appointed as the S3 & S4 Year Head. I have been involved with a lot of hockey over the years, but my main passion is netball. I started it at Wellington 6 years ago. We now have 6o girls (6 teams) competing within a South Ayrshire League and 11 pupils as part of the District Team. I run two after school sessions a week.
The ethos – it is such a close-knit community. I have never experienced a school where everyone feels like family, and it is a fantastic set up to be part of. Everyone wants you to succeed and will do everything they can to help you.
The pupils are a big part of the school and why staff want to stay for many years. They are personable, polite young people who always make an effort to speak to you.
I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher because I loved working with kids. However, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to teach. I applied for 3 different subjects on my UCAS, and it came down to Math’s or PE. My dad was the one who talked me into PE, and I am so glad he did.
A Quote on Wellington Life
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
In each and every school there are talented individuals. However, I have never met a group of pupils that work as hard to succeed as those at Wellington. At the end of the day, they will come out on top for their resilience, determination and understanding of what it means to work hard.
Mr. Ritchie
My name is Mr. Ritchie. I teach PE & Games here at Wellington. I started at Wellington in 2019. I believe the pupils are what makes Wellington so special, as everyone is friendly and gets along. The extracurricular activities that I run at school are the junior and senior Basketball teams on a Monday, the under 16s under team on a Tuesday and a Thursday, and the Football under 16s team on a Tuesday lunchtime as well.
My favourite thing about Wellington is that the whole School get involved with everything and no one is left out. I especially enjoy the full school assemblies where we can have a wee sing song in the morning on a Tuesday and a Friday.
I became a school teacher because of my love for teaching, and getting to know my pupils so that i can get the best out of them and getting to see their point of view through their day to day life.
A Quote on Wellington Life
“You don’t have to be the best, but you have to want to be the best”