Registering for Admission
Wellington School welcomes applications from all parents and will not discriminate on the grounds of nationality, religion, gender or disability.
Parents who are interested in sending a child to the school should first register interest by completing the Registration for Admission form. There is nothing contractually binding for either party at this stage, but the details provided will enable us to progress your application and to keep in touch throughout the process.
Applications for entry at any stage can be submitted at any time of the year and will be considered carefully and within a reasonable time. Many new pupils join the school at the start of the session in August, but it may be possible to join at any time of the year, particularly at some stages.
Click the button below to fill in the online form or download a copy that can be completed by hand. Details of any health difficulties, special learning needs and disabilities should be notified in order that the school may comply with the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act.
Should you have any questions about the form or the Admissions process, please contact our Admissions Registrar, Marian Dunlop: 01292 269321 or
Offers and Entry
The main points of entry are P1, P7 and S1, but applications can be made for entry at any stage. Wellington School offers a wide range of timetabled SQA courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher levels and applications for entry to S3, S5 or S6 are welcome.
Entry to the school is by interview with the Headmaster and by consideration of your child’s most recent school report. Additionally, applicants for Primary 7 and Senior 1 will also be asked to sit entrance papers in English and Mathematics. Entrance tests usually take place in late January, but individual arrangements can be made. Offers based on the results of the entrance tests will be made in mid-February.
Before an offer is made, the School will attempt to satisfy itself that the child is of sufficient academic ability to benefit from the curriculum offered. Almost all pupils go on to take four or five Highers in S5 and applicants are accepted on that basis.
When applications are considered, the following will be taken into account:
- The academic ability of the applicant, as supported by his or her school reports and, where appropriate, performance in the entrance tests.
- The particular talents and skills of the applicant in other areas, including music and sport.
- The personal values and qualities of the applicant, as described in school reports and demonstrated at interview.
- Pupils are accepted on the basis that they and their parents will uphold the values of the School and be supportive of the School’s approach.

What Next?
Once a place has been offered by the Headmaster, parents are asked to complete the ‘Enrollment Agreement and Parental Consent Form’ if they wish to accept the place. This is then contractually binding and requires parents to give one term’s written notification of termination.