As well as offering a sibling discount, Wellington School offers an attractive means-tested bursary programme. The purpose of these bursaries is to widen access, allowing children who would otherwise be unable to attend Wellington School to become a pupil.
We offer two levels of support, as required by OSCR:
- Transformational bursaries – where 100% of the fees are paid for.
- Fees assistance bursaries – where some fraction of the fees are paid for by the family, with the remainder, up to 100%, paid for by the school
It should be noted that we have a limited bursary pot each year and not all applicants will be successful. We warmly welcome bursary applications from pupils generally from P6 onwards who are truly in need. Regretfully, we are not able to offer bursary support to those joining us in earlier years.
Following bursary application a careful and thorough set of checks is made on detailed evidence supplied by the family. This ranges from family income, where parents whose joint income is in excess of £65,000 are unlikely to be successful, to assets held such as property, businesses, size and ownership of family home etc.
We are clear in our mission to target our support to those who need it most.
If you would like your child to be considered for a bursary place, please tick the box in your admissions application form. When the bursary application process opens in October you will be asked to provide detailed evidence in support of your application. The deadline for bursary applications for August 2025 entry is 20 December, 2024. Late completed bursary applications will not be considered.
We are also committed to support existing families by offering means-tested financial assistance in times of need.
Download our Bursary Policy for more information on the financial assistance Wellington School can offer families, or submit your application for consideration of a Bursary.
Download Bursary Application Form
Download Ulick Montgomerie Bursary Information

Should you have any questions about the bursary processes, please use this form to contact Mrs Dunlop, Admissions Registrar, or telephone 01292 269321.